Hello Dear friends.
I´m from Iceland, my answer to Peter´s question is th following
,,Law no. 160/2010 on Buildings Art. 25: For a designer to be able to submit official drawings for a building permit he must be licenced from the Housing and Construction Authority. The validation/licence is divided into following sector a) Architects and building/civil engineers can get validation to make municipal plan schematic drawing, schematic drawing for plots and detail schematic drawings.
Fyrir 26. gr. : Conditions for the validation of licenced designers are the: (a) candidate must pass the professional exam as set out by the Housing and Construction Authority. (b) Preceding this a candidate must have completed a course held by the Housing and Construction Authority looking at the relevant laws Icelandic and Icelandic construction environmental and geological conditions (c) a candidate specialising in their licensed field must have worked with a specialist for at least three years after finishing studying. One of those three years must have been spent working on building houses in Iceland.
Kær kveðja/Regards
Erlendur Árni Hjálmarsson
Verkefnastjóri Nýr Landspítali
NLSH - New Landspitali University Hospital Project
Skúlagötu 21
Sími: 00354 551-6010
GSM: 00354 6262 102
