
Institute of Municipal Engineering of Southern Africa (IMESA)

IMESA promotes the interests of municipal engineers and creates a platform for the exchange of viewpoints on all aspects of municipal engineering to expand knowledge and best practices throughout Local Government for the benefit of the municipalities and their communities. Membership extends to all Southern African countries.

Website: www.imesa.org.za


Geoff Tooley

Senior Manager, Catchment Management
eThekwini Municipality (Durban)

e: geoff.tooley@durban.gov.za

Deputy President

Sibusiso Mjwara

General Manager Special projects
Umgani Water, Durban

e: sibusiso.mjwara@umgeni.co.za

Executive Committee:

Bhavna Soni (Mrs) PrEng

Deputy Head: Engineering Services, Water & Sanitation
eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality (Durban)

e: bhavna.soni@durban.gov.za

IMESA Secretariat:

Ingrid Botton
Head Office Manager

e: admin@imesa.org.za