News Blogs

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Welcome to our first IFME Podcast hosted by Kirsti Kierulf . In this podcast we bring you great insights into a new school project utilising innovative energy solutions for energy efficiency in design and usage. You will meet Morten Marøy , who is the project leader in Trondheim Kommune, Norway’s third largest city. Click on the link to view the video/podcast to the video library on the IFME website at: Morten will share his insights into how a joint energy system for Nidarvoll and Sunnland schools was developed, rebuilding an old school into a new school with innovative ...
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IFME meets PZiTB in Poland In June 2024, Pieter Wiekeraad, Treasurer of IFME, joined the conference of Deans of civil engineering and building faculties in Polanczyk, Poland. Also, Board Members of PZiTB, the Polish Association on Civil Engineering, were present. Pieter also met Mr. Andrzej Drewiecki, an individual member from Poland and liaison to the Polish Association. Andrzej joined us in San Diego at the PWX2023 of APWA and is an IFME friend and contact. Andrzej is very determined to get Poland involved in IFME and the international network of civil engineers. Together, we prepared a roadmap to welcoming the Polish Association PZiTB as a member ...
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International Women in Engineering Day celebrates the talent of all women in engineering fields International Women in Engineering Day (INWED) provides a clear call to women to shape the world. This years’ theme is ENHANCED BY ENGINEERING! International Women in Engineering Day (INWED) is celebrated annually on June 23rd to honour the outstanding achievements of women engineers and to encourage more girls and women to pursue careers in engineering. The day highlights the contributions of women to the engineering field and promotes gender diversity in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). Engineering shapes the world ...
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Connecting People and Sharing Knowledge Worldwide It has been really good to come together ‘down under’ in Melbourne Australia at the IFME Congress. I am happy to share a few key points from our in person Board Meeting this week: · IFME Awards – each country to please submit two (2) award nominations before the end of May 2024. · VP Election – the process for the election of Vice President was discussed. A voting portal link will be sent by Chris Champion (IFME Secretary General). · Committee Reports – verbal reports were received from the three sub committees, Technical, Marketing & Communications ...
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Today is world asset management day - a date to celebrate all the amazing professionals that work within our asset management & public works field and for communities around the world. New Zealand is the first country in the world to see the sunrise off the east coast of Gisborne, so sharing this lovely asset management story with you all!
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Intergenerational equity focuses on ensuring that we, as the current generation, act as caretakers for the planet, "borrowing" it from future generations with a commitment to maintaining its health and resources. Intergenerational equity is also about ensuring human wellbeing, where future populations are free and able to continue to observe cultural practices and sustain their livelihoods. Achieving intragenerational equity requires us to think about the decisions we are making today and how that may impact on future generations. The three principles of intergenerational equity are: · Options : Ensuring future generations ...
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WELCOME TO THE FUTURE GREEN CITY WORLD CONGRESS! From 23 until 26 September 2024, over four days, more than 3000 experts from around the world will share their passion and knowledge about the liveable green city with a future here. The Future Green City World Congress is an initiative of the Royal Association Stadswerk the Netherlands and the Royal Dutch Society for Garden Designers and Landscapers (VHG) In Utrecht, they bring together the worlds of green and civil engineering, in cooperation with World Urban Parks (WUP) and the International Federation of Municipal Engineering (IFME). The congress connects construction, greenery, infra and water. By ...
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Nominations are now invited from IFME member associations All IFME member associations are invited to nominate two projects for the 2024 IFME Excellence Awards. The Awards will be presented at the 21st IFME ‘Future Green City’ World Congress in Utrecht, The Netherlands, on 25 September 2024. This is a joint Congress with World Urban Parks in association with Stadswerk. The IFME Awards have been established to recognise projects that deliver outstanding community outcomes, improved service standards and positive impacts for society. Award Categories: A. Construction Project B. Development Project (non-Construction) There is a limit of one entry per ...
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Every year since 2018, APWA holds an annual contest to determine the Top Trending Technologies in Public Works for the upcoming year. APWA’s Technical Committees, Standing Committees, and the Council of Chapters all give input and suggestions with the top 16 technologies ultimately selected. Then the voting begins. Technologies battle it out until the ultimate victors are chosen. After two rounds and 4,590 total votes across 915 bracket entries, the winners for 2024 are: Artificial Intelligence—Condition Assessment Data Collection AI in condition assessment data collection automates and optimizes the gathering of infrastructure asset condition data. Leveraging ...
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Your Marketing and Communications Sub-Committee have been very industrious throughout 2023. Here's what Sanne Hieltjes, Jan Nilsson, Pieter & Rolinda Wiekeraad and Priyani de Silva-Currie have been up to with support from IFME Secretary General Chris Champion! The Marketing and Communication Committee had a number of tasks to achieve this year: A new brand development and launch Developing and delivering an IFME Thought Leadership Series Coordinating and presenting at member association conferences Preparing a marketing plan and communication strategy Publishing technical and social thought pieces from IFME member countries ...
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Dear IFME Members, As we are coming to a close of this year, it gives me great pleasure to reflect on our collective achievements and milestones. Our members, who come from diverse backgrounds and have a wide range of expertise, have come together to share knowledge, foster innovation, and tackle the evolving challenges municipalities face worldwide. We had two successful board meetings in Birmingham and San Diego, with many of our members travelling around the globe. The IFME’s world congress in San Diego was a great success and APWA's best-visited conference ever, if I remember correctly. Furthermore, several IFME webinars (in collaboration with ...
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Take advantage of the opportunity to showcase your expertise and experience at the IFME International Federation of Municipal Engineering and World Urban Parks Future Green City World Congress in The Netherlands in September 2024! The deadline to submit your proposal may have passed, but we've extended it to January 31, 2024, due to popular demand. With solid proposals already received, take the time to develop your ideas and submit your proposal to contribute to this exciting event. Check out the website for more information, consider which program line best fits your contribution, choose the format that suits you, and submit ...
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Ontario could save $1.1B a year if it adapts public infrastructure for climate change Report estimates climate hazards could add $4.1B each year if governments don't adapt The dangers of a changing climate could add more than $4 billion per year to the cost of maintaining Ontario's public infrastructure over the rest of the century, the province's financial watchdog said Wednesday. But the report from the Financial Accountability Office of Ontario said the province and municipalities can cut those costs by proactively making hospitals, schools, stormwater pipes and other public infrastructure more resilient to extreme heat and rainfall. The ...
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Guiding the way in asset management, Āpōpō takes delight in presenting to all international communities the newly developed Āpōpō Guide. Āpōpō (Infrastructure Asset Management Professionals Incorporated) is a founding member of IFME and the leading professional association for infrastructure asset management in New Zealand. The Āpōpō Guide is designed for those practicing infrastructure asset management in Aotearoa and is a comprehensive online resource that goes beyond traditional asset management by weaving Te Reo Māori (the Māori world view) into the core of managing both built and natural environments. A first of its kind, this guide is a ...
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There is perhaps no greater need than now to connect the world, to learn and share our cultures and experiences. International relations are so important for a better world. Board Update. The IFME International Federation of Municipal Engineering recently had its Board meeting in San Diego in association with the APWA #PWX2023 , colleagues and friends from Finland, South Africa, Netherlands, Poland, Mexico, NZ, Italy, USA, Canada, Sweden and Australia. We were pleased to welcome Andrzej Drzewiecki from Poland as an observer to our meeting. Andrzej is exploring how Poland can become a member of IFME. APWA IFME Board Member Gary Losier ...
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How we practitioners can fill the gaps in our infrastructure delivery systems to make our communities more sustainable by John Milne, Clark County Public Works, USA ( ) The increasingly severe effects of climate change are alarming. We are fortunate to have many scientists working on exciting new technologies, such as nuclear fusion, that can potentially be game-changers in the quest for sustainability. But as engineers responsible for designing, constructing and maintaining the built environment that largely determines our future, have we done all we can to ensure our communities’ sustainability? This article ...
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Warning . This blog article was generated by ChatGPT as an experiment to explore its power. The blog produced the following when asked to "introduce the idea of using AI in municipal engineering and public works, including case studies from the UK, Australia, and around the world". ChatGPT may produce inaccurate information about people, places, or facts - but it hasn't done too bad! ... Revolutionising Municipal Engineering: The Role of AI in Public Works Authroed by ChatGPT August 3 Version (not a human!) Introduction In today's fast-paced world, the integration of technology has become a driving force behind innovation and efficiency. ...

Report from Birmingham

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Report from Birmingham There is perhaps no greater need than now to connect the world, to learn and share our cultures and experience. The primary outcome from the 2023 IFME World Congress held in Birmingham, UK, was the interconnected stories of looking after what we have and addressing climate change issues over a range of surprisingly interlinked presentations that told a greater story. The opening presentation from the USA outlined the political and engineering relationship in managing the US's infrastructure budget of $ 1.2 trillion. It reminded the US Administration that although it wanted to deliver new ideas, it also had to address ...

The Symbiotic City

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This is the second contribution in our series ‘On the Road to Future Green City’ in which we explore the ingredients we need for a green city with a future. This in the run-up to the Future Green City world congress, Utrecht 23-26 September 2024. The Symbiotic City The voice of nature is loudly heard. The consequences of our devastating impact on biodiversity and climate are all around us. We need a positive vision of the future, beyond the many doomsday scenarios of disappearing species, flooded coastal areas and excessive heat stress in summer. The solution to these problems lies in the Symbiotic City: nature should return to the city and be part of it ...
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IFME supports International Women’s Day (IWD) which is marked annually on March 8. IWD is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating women’s equality. IWD has occurred for well over a century, with the first IWD gathering in 1911 supported by over a million people. For IWD 2023 and beyond, each of us everywhere can #EmbraceEquity. The IWD 2023 campaign theme seeks to forge worldwide understanding about why equal opportunities aren’t enough! Equity isn’t just a nice-to-have, it’s a must-have. A focus on gender equity needs to be part of every society’s DNA. ...